Dead Island 2: Neighborhood Watch – New Classes, Abilities, and Gameplay Revealed

After announcing the addition of a new co-op-focused mode for Dead Island 2, Neighborhood Watch, Dambuster Studios has revealed the first gameplay. As part of the Bobcats, players tackle waves of zombies in HELL-A while attempting to keep their frat house safe. Check itOnline Betting out below.

The gameplay differs from the base game in that players have four days to prepare for a massive horde on the fifth. Throughout each day, they’ll gather supplies from nearby and complete objectives, earning powerful rewards like new abilities, traps, shelter defenses, and rare weapons. You can only choose one per day, though.

Each Bobcat is a unique class with differing stats, abilities, and signature abilities. The Chemist is all about corrosive booby traps and explosive concoctions while wielding a grenade launcher; the Medic deploys med stations for healing; and the Hunter has a crossbow, throwing knives, firecrackers and meatstick traps. Since they’re ordinary people, Fury Mode won’t be available to help you.

When the fifth day arrives, it’s an all-out battle against waves of zombies to survive. Dead Island 2: Neighborhood Watch arrives on October 22nd as a free update for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC players. It also includes New Game Plus, which features new skills, enemies, an increased level cap, and more.

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